Brian T. Murphy
Coordinator, English Writing Placement
Nassau Community College

We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.
                                                           �Galileo Galilei

Current Schedule & Contact Information

Statement of Purpose and Teaching Philosophy

Fall 2020:
English Composition II (online only)

Note: Campus has been closed since March 2020, and all instruction is currently conducted either remote via Zoom or fully online. Consequently, all my current teaching materials have been moved online to Blackboard. Materials here should not be considered current.

Additional Courses Taught:

Preparatory Composition
Enhanced Composition I
English Composition I
British Literature I
British Literature II
Literature and Film
Mythology and Folklore
Modern Irish Literature

Courses Taught Previously:

Basic Writing
Fundamentals of Composition
Technical Writing
Introduction to Poetry
Origins of Literature

Selected Links

Beowulf: Gummere�s translation
Frankenstein: 1818 edition
How to Read a Poem
Poetry Online
Today in Literature
Today in Literary History

NCC Library

Last Revised: Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Site maintained by Brian T. Murphy

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