Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Online Resources

Online Editions
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knyght
SGGK: Modern Translation
SGGK: Modern Translation


Lecture on SGGK - Gerard McDaniel
Notes on SGGK - Prof. Mary-Ann Andrade
Notes on SGGK - Prof. Bruce Magee
Notes on SGGK, Bks I & II - Prof. Clare Kinney
Notes on SGGK, Bks III & IV - Prof. Clare Kinney
Notes on SGGK - Prof. D. Kuhlmann
Reading Questions for SGGK - Prof. Boyer
Study Questions for SGGK - Dr. Debora B. Schwartz
SparkNotes: SGGK - Rebecca Gaines
The Pearl Poet - Paul Deane
SGGK Introduction - Paul Deane
Summary of SGGK - Brother Anthony of Taize
From Gawain to Conkers: Is Chivalry Dead? - A Lecture by John Black
Introduction to SGGK - Linda Appleton
Sir Gawain texts, images, information - The Camelot Project


SGGK Images - UVA


The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
in 18 Volumes (1907�21).

Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawayne - I. Gollancz

The Arthurian Legend: Gawain - W. Lewis Jones
The Gawain Cycle - J. W. H. Atkins


Pace University Student Projects on Gawain
Sir Gawain Room - Holz, et al.
Character Analysis of Sir Gawain - Kim Neininger
A Character Analysis of Sir Gawain - Joseph Sera
Portrait of Gawain
Summary of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Ai-Qiao Shi
Critics On the Character of Gawain - Compiled by Kim Neininger
Sir Gawain - Kim Neininger
A Summary of SGGK - Amelia Roopnarine
A Character Analysis of Sir Gawain - Joseph Sera
On Sir Gawain - Robert Bartusik
Text Analysis, (ll. 203-278) - Steve Little



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Last updated: Friday, 12 March 2004